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Percona Server for MongoDB 6.0.19-16 (2024-11-28)

Installation Upgrade from MongoDB Community

Percona Server for MongoDB 6.0.19-16 is an enhanced, source-available, and highly-scalable database that is a fully-compatible, drop-in replacement for MongoDB Community Edition.

It is based on MongoDB 6.0.19 Community Edition and supports the upstream protocols and drivers.

Release Highlights


This release of Percona Server for MongoDB includes a fix for a security vulnerability CVE-2024-10921. This vulnerability allowed an authorized user to trigger server crashes or receive the contents of the buffer over-reads of the server memory by sending specially crafted requests that constructed malformed BSON in MongoDB. The issue is fixed and included in Percona Server for MongoDB 6.0.19-16. If you wish to upgrade to the following major version, the fix is also included in Percona Server for MongoDB 7.0.15-9.

Users running any minor version of Percona Server for MongoDB 6.0.x before 6.0.19-16 should upgrade to this version as soon as possible.

Upstream Improvements

The bug fixes, provided by MongoDB and included in Percona Server for MongoDB, are the following:

  • SERVER-96419 - Fixed the issue with improper neutralization of null bytes that may have led to buffer over-reads in MongoDB Server.
  • SERVER-95279 - Use a new C++ type for BSON field names to ensure validity.

Find the full list of changes in the MongoDB 6.0.19 Community Edition release notes.